Leonardo da Vinci (Bronze by the National Mint Cie) | Studies of Leonardo da Vinci, his tribute to the human flight | Leonardo da Vinci (low relief) | Tribute to Jean Dubuffet (Bronze - by the National Mint Cie) | Tribute to Ishikawa Toyonobu (Bronze et Silver) | "Indometacine" - Made for Merck medical | Landscape - Puzzle style (Bronze by the National Mint Cie) | Valley (Resin) | Trophy for the International Movie Competition for Environment | Trophy for the Courtaulds Fashion Competition | European Handball Championship Trophy | Challenge René Ricard Trophy 2008 | Challenge René Ricard | Trophy for a Design Competition | Ball player, low-relief (Bronze Edition) | Series "Dreams et Nightmares" #1 | Series "Dreams et Nightmares" #2 | Tribute to Bravery : Steve Fossett | "Fides Pubblica" Logo for the National Bank (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations) |